Questions about art in the public space

Questions about collective rights

Questions about copyright

Questions about copyright and AI

Questions about individual rights

Questions about Pictoright

Questions about resale right

Questions about the usage of someone else's work


Pictoright is happy to share its knowledge about copyright law. What one may and may not do with your work. And that of someone else. How best to protect your artwork, how to exercise your copyright and generate income with your work.

Pictoright provides workshops at academies and educational institutions, at creative communities, artists' associations, both online and on location. It is of interest to virtually all disciplines: fine art, graphic design, illustration, photography, spatial and architecture.

Workshop Copyright & Pictoright

What is copyright?

  • The importance of copyright
  • Copyright exceptions
  • How do I protect my work?
  • "Ideas, styles and steal"
  • Appropriation Art guideline

What is Pictoright?

Understanding the 3 forms of affiliation

  • Collective rights
  • Individual rights
  • Resale right

Extensive Q&A


Of course, the content and format can be adapted to your needs. Our presentations are particularly relevant to art schools. We find that there is a strong need among students to be informed about their rights and associated fees when starting a professional practice.

Even for artists and designers who already work in various disciplines, the Pictoright workshop can be very useful.

The workshop's focus is on copyright, how to exercise it and the fees you can receive as an author through Pictoright. If you are looking for information about starting a business or how to make an offer we refer you to the business organizations.

The workshops are free of charge. Interested in questions about the workshop or want to schedule a presentation at your academy? Contact Joanne Zwart or Marcel van de Graaf at 020 589 1840