Questions about art in the public space

Questions about collective rights

Questions about copyright

Questions about copyright and AI

Questions about individual rights

Questions about Pictoright

Questions about resale right

Questions about the usage of someone else's work


What is a base design and why are you inquiring about it?

A base design is the design template of a series of books. The same design is used for multiple books in the same series of, for instance, a textbook or edition series of pocketbooks, so that all editions have the same "look and feel. If the same design is used, we calculate the points for this basic design with a factor of 0.5 compared to an original design. If at the time of publication it is not yet known that the design would be used for multiple issues, then - when this is known - it should be changed at a later time in the submission. This must also be specified for later editions in the same series.