FAQ Questions about art in the public space → When can images of artworks in public spaces be used freely? → What can I do if my artwork in the public space is tarnished? → How do I properly maintain works of art in the public space? → Questions about collective rights → Photographers and photo agencies → What are collective rights? → The collection and distribution of collective rights: how does it work? → Can I always claim my collective rights? → What do I transfer exactly in terms of rights with a collective rights affiliation? → I don’t know the ISBN or ISSN of the publication. What next? → What is a base design and why are you inquiring about it? → Do repeated images qualify for distribution? → Can I also submit statements about my work in foreign magazines, newspapers or television? → Can I also submit my work in foreign books? → What do you define by weeklies? → When will collective rights be paid? → Do my clients pay the collective fees to Pictoright? → Why do you ask for the print run of a book? → If I submit after the Sept. 1 deadline, will I still receive my fees? → If I start submitting for the first time just now, will I still receive any money for publications in past years? → Can I only submit online? → Why do I have to review and sign a data sheet every year? → How can I verify that my contributions have been processed or distributed correctly? → Why are magazines, newspapers, audio/video/DVD and TV reports from previous years not included on my overview of submitted publications? → Can I already submit my publications in the current year? → I have submitted my statement after the distribution in December, when will I receive my fee over the previous year? → Do I have to re-submit reprints? → How come not all the books I submitted are on my statement? → What if I can’t retrieve a magazine’s ISSN? → what if I did not receive anything at the additional distribution? → Does funeral photography also count toward the home copy fee BPSE photography? → Questions about copyright → What is Copyright? → Who owns Copyright? → How do I obtain Copyright? → How long do I have copyright? → Do I need to register my work to get Copyright? → Do I have a Copyright on a work I created as an employee or on a commission? → Which rights does the owner of a work I created possess? → What is a License? → When may my work be used without my permission? → What happens to my copyright after I die? → Are Sketches and construction drawings also copyrighted? → Are images on the Internet also copyrighted? → Questions about copyright and AI → What is the impact of recent developments in AI technology on copyright and the image sector? → Are AI creations protected by copyright? → Do AI creations in which my name is mentioned in the prompt infringe my copyright? → Can my work be used as training data for an AI system? → What can I do to prevent my work from being used as training data for an AI system? → What is Pictoright doing to prevent my work from being used as training data for an AI system? → Questions about individual rights → What are individual rights? → Someone wants to make a reproduction of my work. What kind of fee should I charge? → I want to apply for copyright on my work. What is the procedure? → I created illustrations for a book on commission. I was paid for this commission. → I created a work in a public space. Now the municipality wants to move it. → I want to give someone permission to reproduce my work free of charge. → I have received a small amount in the individual rights repartition and cannot tell from the information on the specification what it is for. → My artwork has been shown on TV. Now what? → People want to use my work abroad. Will you regulate that as well? → Questions about Pictoright → Which is the appropriate affiliation type for me? → How do I join Pictoright and what does it cost? → I want to terminate my affiliation with Pictoright → Do I transfer my copyright to Pictoright when I join? → Can I appeal if I do not agree with a Pictoright decision? → How much does Pictoright withhold? → Can I join as an estate heir? → Who oversees Pictoright? → Questions about resale right → When does resale right apply? → How can I report a sale? → How will Pictoright know that artworks have been sold? → My work has been auctioned abroad. Am I eligible for a resale right fee? → Questions about the usage of someone else's work → How do I get permission/license? → As the owner, I may do whatever I want with a work of art, right? → How do I arrange the rights to use visual work and what are the costs? → Which copyright notice must be added to the published work of Pictoright affiliates? → May I modify a work or place text across it? → When can I use work without permission from the artist? → Who is responsible for seeking permission and for paying a fee? → X What do you define by weeklies? Weeklies are weekly newspapers such as door-to-door papers. Not weekly magazines or journals.