Can I also submit my work in foreign books?
You can submit entries of books published in Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland, France and Spain.
Books from Belgium can be submitted with the Dutch books.
Books published in the United Kingdom and Ireland can be submitted via My Pictoright. The submission deadline is June 1.
Books published in Germany can be submitted (up to 4 years back) using the submission forms in the .download section for authors on our website. More information about what you can submit can be found in the guidelines. The submission deadline for the previous year is June 1 of the current year.
French and Spanish books can be submitted (up to 1 year back) using the submission form French books or the submission form Spanish books, which can be found at the download section for authors on our website.
The submission deadline for French and Spanish books published in the previous year is usually in February of the current year. Keep an eye out for news releases on our website and social media channels for the exact data.