Do I transfer my copyright to Pictoright when I join?
You never transfer your entire copyright to Pictoright.
By joining Pictoright for your individual rights, you do not transfer your rights, but you grant us exclusive authorization to exercise the copyrights of your work. You retain the copyright yourself. Autonomous working artists in particular benefit from this affiliation.
With an affiliation for collective rights (the rights to collective compensations that you receive, for example, for published work in newspapers, magazines, books and on TV) you do transfer these specifically mentioned rights, for the duration of your affiliation, to Pictoright. This does not involve transferring your entire copyright, but only the part that relates to the aforementioned collective rights. This allows Pictoright to collect these fees on your behalf from the Stichting Leenrecht, Stichting Reprorecht, Stichting Thuiskopie and the Dutch TV/Cable, so that they can be distributed to you. This particularly applies to photographers, illustrators and graphic designers.