Who oversees Pictoright?
To ensure that the collected royalties are distributed fairly and properly, Pictoright is monitored by a number of authorities.
The Board
First of all, the Board oversees the daily activities within the Pictoright office. The board consists of representatives from the industry and several independent board members, which include the chairman, treasurer and an independent lawyer.
Statutes and regulations
Important tools to ensure the proper functioning of the organization are the statutes and regulations. These establish the principles and preconditions of the policies implemented by the organization. The statutes and regulations can be viewed here: https://pictoright.nl/downloads/statuten-en-reglementen/
The auditor
Each year Pictoright's activities are extensively audited by an external auditor. This inspection concerns the annual figures of Pictoright and the general state of affairs within the organization. If everything is in order, the auditor issues an approving statement at the end of the year. The most recent audit statement can be viewed among the annual reports: https://pictoright.nl/downloads/jaarverslagen/
The Copyright Supervision Board
Since the 2013 amendment to the Collective Management Organizations Supervision Act, Pictoright is under the supervision of the Copyright Supervision Board, which is governed by the Ministry of Justice and Security. This means, amongst other things, that Pictoright must provide the Board with all relevant information. This includes board documents, the annual budget and the annual report. Pictoright also needs prior permission from the Board for important changes in its policy.
The seal of approval
The Voice branch organization (https://www.voice-info.nl/) created a seal of approval several years ago. This label ensures that copyright organizations meet a range of formal requirements. https://www.voice-info.nl/Toezicht. The hallmark will soon be abolished.
Cisac Compliance Rules
Pictoright is a member of Cisac (http://www.cisac.org/), the global association of copyright organizations. Each member of this organization must meet particular requirements, for example regarding the equal treatment of rights holders. It is regularly assessed whether an organization still meets these requirements.
Privacy rules
Recently a new law came into effect regarding the protection of personal data. Organizations such as Pictoright must meet strict requirements. Pictoright's privacy policy can be found here: https://pictoright.nl/app/assets/privacy-beleid-pictoright.pdf.
Internal control
Pictoright also conducts its own checks on the information in its records. For example, a control officer works exclusively to verify the accuracy of the information present in our systems. In this regard, rights holders who claim fees from Pictoright are periodically asked to substantiate these claims.