Are you an artist?

Strengthen your position with nearly 100.000 of your fellow image makers

Pictoright stands up for your rights, distributes collective fees and arranges licenses with users of your if required.

Depending on your needs, there are 3 different affiliation options:
Resale Rights and Collective Rights (no annual fees), and our most expansive affiliation form for full management of your copyright: Individual Rights (46 EUR per year). Click in the boxes below for more information.

Joining Pictoright pays off: a better position for all creators! And you may very well receive money from us retroactively.


Join Pictoright




Private Copy

Consumers pay a private copy levy when purchasing “data carriers” ( i.e. smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.), meant for the creators of copyrighted material that is copied onto them.

With the increasing sales of smartphones, tablets and laptops, the total amount of private copying levies collected has increased significantly. Therefore, when reviewing the collective rights bases in 2016, Pictoright created an entirely new private copy levy base that benefits as many creators as possible. This is effective as of 2017.


Procedure Private Copy claim

If you don’t receive any or a lower private copy remuneration from categories 1 to 9, it is possible that, based on the online existence of your work, you can still claim this remuneration.

You can submit a claim to Pictoright: the category 10 Private Copy remuneration.

The amount of this compensation is subject to whether your work is digitally reproduced and/or published on a more than limited (category 10.1) or very large scale (category 10.2).

The probability of your work being digitally reproduced and/or disclosed on a very large scale is determined on a case-by-case basis by a panel. To illustrate what Pictoright means by ‘on a large scale’:

For example:

On Instagram: more than 5000 followers and/or,
On Facebook: more than 5000 friends and/or,
On digital news facilities (as defined under private copy category 6): more than 100 images.

Please note that the above are examples, you may also provide evidence otherwise.

To start a private copy claim procedure you must meet the following conditions:

You are/were a professional visual artist;
Your work can be accessed online: either through your own website or through another online medium;
You can provide evidence of how your professional work can be found online.

Do you meet these conditions? Then download the form related to the claim you want to make:

Send the completed form to This is also the address to send us the affiliation form Collective Rights, you can download it here..

The private copy claim is distributed every year in December.

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