Het Laatste Nieuws

Ruling in META Case Postponed We had hoped for a verdict in the META case this week, but it will take… arrow-right

On 20 November, the Amsterdam District Court issued an interim judgment in the case between Pictoright and Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. Pictoright started… arrow-right

Some time ago, Pictoright expressed its disappointment with the proposal for the ‘Strengthening of Copyright Contracts Act’. For visual creators, this proposal would only minimally strengthen their… arrow-right


Update Lawsuit Meta

Pictoright has asked the court to give a ruling in the case against Meta. This was done after the judges had given the parties two weeks during the… arrow-right


Lawsuit Meta

On 19 September, the trial against Meta finally took place. In an unusually full courtroom, three judges spent no less than 3.5 hours considering our claims. The… arrow-right

Following a mailing from Meta (the parent company of Facebook and Instagram), we are getting a lot of questions from affiliates. Meta has announced that it has… arrow-right



De Federatie Beeldrechten presents: Opt Out Now! A new initiative that puts control of one’s copyrighted work back in the hands of the author. Artificial intelligence (AI)… arrow-right

As of 31 March 2024, Dutch authors can benefit from the resale right in Australia! This means that when any of their works are resold in Australia,… arrow-right

Pictoright uses the option of making a rights reservation within the purposes of Article 15o Copyright Act and Article 4 DSM Directive. Pictoright believes that prior permission… arrow-right

Dutch copyright association Pictoright has summoned Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, for copyright infringement. The company is not fulfilling its legal obligations to visual… arrow-right

For some time Pictoright has been concerned with the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially where the risks of training generative AI on works of our affiliates are… arrow-right

Although the summer vacations are in full swing, Pictoright is not standing still. For example, we have again updated our FAQ with our latest insights on AI… arrow-right

Pictoright magazine number 29 is out now! In this issue we focus extensively on the developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence; we introduce you to a number… arrow-right

The additional distribution of the collective rights has been finalized. You will find the credit note and accompanying breakdown in your ‘mypictoright-acocunt’ or you will receive it… arrow-right

Following the Evaluation of the Copyright Contracts Act in 2020, a new proposal has been submitted to the Council of State: the Strengthening of Copyright Contracts… arrow-right

The European Parliament in Brussels recently passed the so-called ‘AI Act’ – a law that will regulate (the development of) Artificial Intelligence. This act includes new clauses that… arrow-right

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that Pop Art artist Andy Warhol infringed on copyright protection rules when he created a series of silkscreens based on… arrow-right

Within European legislative bodies, a lot of hard work is being done on regulations that are going to apply to artificial intelligence: the so-called “AI Act”. Last… arrow-right

  On Monday, March 20, Diederik van Leeuwen was appointed president of Pictoright. He succeeds Bart Drenth, who resigned the chairmanship after becoming director of art and… arrow-right

  Next quarter the post-repartition will take place. If relevant to you, this will include the collective fees not previously paid to you over the years 2017… arrow-right

Together with the BBK, BNO, BOK, DuPho, Kunstenbond, NVJ/NVF and Platform BK, Pictoright has founded the Federatie Beeldrechten. From today you can visit the website! Image creators… arrow-right

Visual artist Peim van der Sloot (Utrecht, 1986) has been affiliated with Pictoright for his individual rights since 2020. In this video he talks about his work and… arrow-right

Pictoright has taken note of the ruling in the case of Dijkstra v. Dutch News, which has understandably caused some unrest among photographers. For details of this… arrow-right

  /app/assets/Logo-animatie-v3-19201080.mp4   It is Pictoright’s pleasure to invite you to attend the launch event of the Image Rights Federation on Thursday, February 16, at Pakhuis de… arrow-right

Pictoright has recently been receiving regular messages from creators concerned about developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI). For example, makers are sounding the alarm that their work is… arrow-right

Was your work used in French books, newspapers, magazines or television programs in 2022? Then fill out the forms you can find here: https://pictoright.nl/downloads/downloads-voor-makers/ and send… arrow-right

The December collective rights distribution has been completed. Go to the MyPictoright portal to view your credit note and the specification. Collective rights distribution 2021 In… arrow-right



/app/assets/gelukkig-nieuwjaar.mp4… arrow-right

Pictoright magazine #28 was recently published, and the affiliates who live in the Netherlands have already been able to find it on the mat. In this issue,… arrow-right


Pictoright summons Meta

Dutch copyright association Pictoright has summoned Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, for copyright infringement. The company is not fulfilling its legal obligations to visual creators represented by Pictoright.

Pictoright believes Meta should pay a fair fee for the use of images on their social media platforms. Since the summer of 2021, they have been obliged to do so: the Dutch Copyright Act was then adapted to European regulations, with the objective that platforms start paying for the use of copyrighted content. More than two years later, there is still no prospect of a licensing agreement. Stichting Pictoright, representing more than 100,000 visual authors worldwide, therefore sees no other option than to go to court.

Fair remuneration
‘Social media make a huge amount of money from advertising, thanks to the content that users upload and distribute,’ said Hanneke Holthuis, Pictoright’s head of legal affairs. ‘Much of that content is created by professional photographers, designers, illustrators, architects and visual artists – works that are protected by copyright. Their work is widely shared openly without their permission. It is only fair that the authors of these works be compensated for this, as is the case for other forms of large-scale use.’

No upload filter
The aim of the procedure is explicitly not to force Meta to remove or filter all professionally created images. Introducing an ‘upload filter’ – this was the term circulating at the time the legislation was being drafted – is not an issue as far as Pictoright is concerned. Pictoright wants to make proper arrangements with Meta, so that visual creators get a fair compensation for their mass-shared work on social media. So the term ‘upload fee’ is perhaps more appropriate. And that benefits everyone: the platforms, the people who use them and the authors of the images.


You can download the full press release here: Press release Pictoright- Meta 201223